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For research-related activities, see separate Research page.
Take a look at my LinkedIn profile!
For research-related activities, see separate Research page.
Main research areas: Affective Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation.
Teaching: Psychophysiological Signals Analysis, Introduction to Linux, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Game Programming in C++, Operating Systems.
Participant in (non-research) projects:
↣ “Projekt Doskonały Uniwersytet – kształcenie dla gospodarki” (Budget: 34 615 484,74 PLN, Funded by: NCBiR, project no. FERS.01.05-IP.08-0301/23). My involvement: November 2024 – Now [planned to October 2027]. My duties: Modification of the curriculum for the “Computer Science of Video Games” major (co-coordination of work, development of a revised curriculum, communication with employers)
↣ “Key to the future – Kompleksowy program rozwoju kształcenia na potrzeby branż kluczowych UJ” (Budget: 21 856 519,74 PLN, Funded by: NCBiR, project no. FERS.01.05-IP.08-0038/23). My involvement: October 2024 – Now [planned to September 2025]. My duties: Creation and teaching of “Databases – SQL language” course for “Social Data Science” major.
↣ Rector’s Third Degree Team Award for Teaching Achievements in 2023
↣ JU Award for high performance in teaching in 2020/21
↣ University Coordinator of the Huawei Seed for the Future program (2020 – now)
Main research areas: Affective Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation.
Teaching: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to UNIX, Logic Programming.
Main research areas: Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web, Knowledge Representation.
Teaching: Semantic Web Technologies, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, C++ Programming, Introduction to UNIX, Programming Paradigms (logic programming: Prolog, functional programming: Haskell).
↣ Diploma of the Faculty’s Best Teacher in the 2016/2017 academic year.
Software maintenance and development for Radio Authentication Solutions in ASTRO and TETRA systems. Used technologies: Java, Batch, Python.
Development of Operations Support System (OSS). New functionalities implementation using tools such as Python, Bash, XML, MS Excel.
Implementation of Java code editor with syntax highlighting and syntax suggestions. Then, embedding it into existing system.
Computer Science at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków
PhD dissertation ``Collaborative Knowledge Engineering. Methods and Tools for System Design``. The degree of Doktor (PhD) in Engineering in the field of Computer Science was received on July 5th, 2018
Psychology at Jagiellonian University
``Self-control of the EEG alpha waves power asymmetry in the prefrontal area`` thesis: prefrontal EEG alpha waves neurofeedback - preparation and pilot study. Training has been prepared to enhance the athletes' effectiveness during the competitions
Thesis ``Proposal of a rule-based testing framework``: Rule-Based Testing Framework for the Automation of the Unit Testing Process development. Framework is designed as an Eclipse plugin. Specification is saved as decision tables in XTT2 notation
Applied Computer Science at AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków
Thesis: ``Implementation of callback library for the HeKatE methodology``