Curriculum Vitae

Take a look at my LinkedIn profile!

For research-related activities, see separate Research page.

Professional Background

  • Present03.2020

    Assistant Professor

    Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

    Main research areas: Affective Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation.
    Teaching: Psychophysiological Signals Analysis, Introduction to Linux, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Game Programming in C++, Operating Systems.

    Participant in (non-research) projects:
    ↣ “Projekt Doskonały Uniwersytet – kształcenie dla gospodarki” (Budget: 34 615 484,74 PLN, Funded by: NCBiR, project no. FERS.01.05-IP.08-0301/23). My involvement: November 2024 – Now [planned to October 2027]. My duties: Modification of the curriculum for the “Computer Science of Video Games” major (co-coordination of work, development of a revised curriculum, communication with employers)
    ↣ “Key to the future – Kompleksowy program rozwoju kształcenia na potrzeby branż kluczowych UJ” (Budget: 21 856 519,74 PLN, Funded by: NCBiR, project no. FERS.01.05-IP.08-0038/23). My involvement: October 2024 – Now [planned to September 2025]. My duties: Creation and teaching of “Databases – SQL language” course for “Social Data Science” major.

    Rector’s Third Degree Team Award for Teaching Achievements in 2023
    ↣ JU Award for high performance in teaching in 2020/21
    University Coordinator of the Huawei Seed for the Future program (2020 – now)

  • 02.202001.2019

    Assistant Professor

    Department of Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow

    Main research areas: Affective Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation.
    Teaching: Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to UNIX, Logic Programming.

  • 12.201810.2014

    Research & Teaching Assistant

    Department of Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow

    Main research areas: Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web, Knowledge Representation.
    Teaching: Semantic Web Technologies, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Operating Systems, C++ Programming, Introduction to UNIX, Programming Paradigms (logic programming: Prolog, functional programming: Haskell).

    ↣ Diploma of the Faculty’s Best Teacher in the 2016/2017 academic year.

  • 08.201301.2013

    Junior Software Developer

    Motorola Solutions, Krakow

    Software maintenance and development for Radio Authentication Solutions in ASTRO and TETRA systems. Used technologies: Java, Batch, Python.

  • 02.201210.2011

    Java Developer

    Comarch S.A., Krakow

    Development of Operations Support System (OSS). New functionalities implementation using tools such as Python, Bash, XML, MS Excel.

  • 09.201107.2011

    Developer – Intern

    Comarch S.A., Krakow

    Implementation of Java code editor with syntax highlighting and syntax suggestions. Then, embedding it into existing system.



  • Artificial Intelligence: Semantic Web, Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning
  • Data analysis: Python, Weka, R, SPSS, BrainVision
  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, C/C++, Prolog
  • Mobile: Android
  • Databases: PostgreSQL, SQLite
  • Operating Systems: GNU/Linux, Windows
  • Others: Jupyter Notebook, UML, Eclipse, SVN, Git, LaTeX
  • Data acquisition: fMRI (SIEMENS), EEG (BioSemi, Emotiv), EKG/HR, EDA/GSR (various mobile devices like: MS Band 2, Arduino e-Health Sensor Platform, BITalino)
  • Psychological experiments: design and analysis


  • English – upper intermediate
  • Spanish – basic
  • Polish – native


  • Artificial intelligence, cognitive science, brain-computer interfaces
  • Fantasy, books, movies, board & card games
  • Cycling, trekking, public transport

Organisations and Societies

Other Activities

  • September 2014 – July 2016. Experimental Neuropsychology Lab (one cabin with EEG Biosemi Active Two equipment) installation and maintenance. Internal trainings of handling the equipment, other researchers’ support with carrying out the experiments @Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University
  • 2009 – 2014. Kraków-Jasna Góra walking pilgrimage (2nd community). Route planning, organisation of stops on the route, pilgrim groups’ piloting, traffic management during transit
  • April 2011. X Cracovia Maraton. Volunteer – first aid
  • September 2008. ECCO Walkathon, Kraków. Volunteer – information point

Courses and Certificates

Online Courses Finished